Oil Painting, Evening (Advanced Level)
Oil Painting, Evening (Advanced Level)
Date: January 22 – March 12, 2025 (Wednesdays, 8 weeks)
Time: 6 pm to 9 pm
Instructor: Barbara Palmer
Fee: $132 plus HST (Members) | Fee: $151.80 plus HST (Non-Members)
Barb tries to help students find their own personality as a painter. The main tool she uses to instruct is The Elements of Design of which – Colour, Shape and Values (lights/darks, shadows and highlights) are most important.
Each student can choose a subject they are interested in painting. There is no set pattern in her classes. Week 1 and 2 are set up in a rather loose format. Each student is an individual and some have more experience than others.
Barb follows each student according to their progress one on one, trying to understand what they are interested in painting and what they want and need to learn.
Barbara Palmer has been painting and drawing since childhood, studying at NS College of Art and Design and the Montreal Museum of Fine Art. She has exhibited locally at CB University, Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design, and has sold her work worldwide. She currently lives in Sydney.
Materials List:
Brushes – One inch, two inch and some small pointed brushes. These come in sets sometimes at Walmart. Please use natural bristles not nylon or plastic brushes.
Cardboard – Ten inch by Ten-inch waxed paper – wrap waxed paper around cardboard and secure with tape…this serves as a palette or you can buy one. NO Styrofoam. You can use white plastic plates.
Containers – to clean brushes, rags for cleaning (All very important, as we do not supply)
Mirror – Bring a hand mirror.
Solvent – Unscented Paint Thinner and not Water based, (be careful and read label)
Photos or Painting – A subject to copy from.
Painting Surfaces – Masonite, Canvas Board or Steched Canvas. (Some small and some large)
Paints – Red, Yellow, Blue and Brown. White Lrg if possible. Most of these paints can be bought at Mr. Paint on Georges Street or Walmart. Name Brand is recommended. (Winton-Windsor newton or Georgian Oil Colours)
*Do not purchase Artist Loft Paint sets. If possible, please buy the Georgian sets.
Pencil and Paper for Drawing – Writing paper from the dollar store will do. They also have sketch pads.
Barb likes to use only primary colours to teach. It will teach your more about colour and especially how to mix. It gives you much more freedom in using colour.
Paint Colours:
Lemon Yellow
Crimson Red – If you can’t find this, Cadmium Red Medium is fine
Ultra-Marine Blue
Browns-Raw Umber and Burnt Seinna
Last but not least – Bring your Enthusiasm and have some fun!!!
Advance registration for members begins January 2
General registration for non-members begins January 13
(How to become a member with Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design)
For more information on this program or to register, email tammy@capebretoncraft.com