Unama’ki Craft Business Development – Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design

Unama’ki Craft Business Development

The Mi’kmaq Craft Business Skills Program provides relevant business skills training aimed at emerging, existing and established Mi’kmaq craft producers. Mi’kmaq artists are supported through business, productivity, technical, sales and marketing training, advice and mentoring. The program implements initiatives to start, sustain and grow Unama’ki-Cape Breton craft businesses through the management of business skills development activities and funding programs.

Business Skills Training Workshops

The majority of this program is providing workshops and services based on the needs of Mi’kmaq craft producers. Workshops and seminars are provided to enhance the knowledge and skills of craft businesses in building business capacity in Unama’ki.

Examples of workshops provided by our program will be on such topics as, but not limited to:

  •  Pricing and merchandising. 
  • Booth display.
  • Wholesale trade.
  • Export readiness education. 
  • Ecommerce.  
  • Digital marketing and promotion. 
  • Developing business and marketing plans. 
  • Production and productivity management; and
  • Branding, web design, etc.

For more information, please contact info@capebretoncraft.com or at 902 574 8636.

Business Consultancy

This program supports Mi’kmaq craft producers to engage consultants to provide advice in areas such as: market assessments and plans; lean manufacturing; research and presentation of best practices; experiential product development, etc.


The program provides alternative pathways to education within Mi’kmaq cultural paradigms, that give artists the option to stay in their communities. A key component for craft training development will be the recruitment of Mi’kmaq artists for a Mi’kmaq mentorship program. Mi’kmaq artists will be paired with mentors for either business skills development or craft training to address gaps which are prevalent in rural communities

Promotion of Mi’kmaq Craft

This program aims to increase awareness, as well as increase sales of Mi’kmaq craft products through marketing and promotion. This program provides funding to create new rich content including photography and video to use for online promotion including social media platforms, website, and online advertising.

For more information, please contact info@capebretoncraft.com or at 902 574 8636.